Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Carousel of Information – Eugene (Part V)

Here is the Mexican Consul General on one of His trips out of the Compound

Business must be good, thats a nice new SUV

He waves to his Fans

This van drove by a few times before deciding to stop in

There was no shortage of customers to "Chez Carousel"

"Clipboard Guy" directs more people to "Benefits"

"Slow down anchor baby! .....Wait for Daddy!"

and as the crowd grew...

so did the presence of local law enforcement to "Protect and Serve" the criminals.
It was later determined the reason for the yellow tape was to protect the "Crime Scene"

This is another VIP (Very Illegal Person) here to get "Benefits"

That looks like an expensive new vehicle.
I guess its easy to afford if you dont pay taxes on the money you earn.

"Clipboard Guy"take time to smile for the camera


and more signs

This is a "Legal Amercian" expressing her opinion to our fine Governor

and yet another fine citizen

A thoughtful wave...

to the people that will pay for their benefits


no comment

and more satisfied customers on their way home

This sums it up

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. I was at the rally in Eugene. I hope at the next one we can have twice the number of people. We need a way to get the word out better to the public. The Oregon Daily Emerald (college paper) actually had the best media coverage of the event. Go to
and check out the videos in the comment section by Diane Chavez. They scared the hell out of me.