Monday, April 26, 2010

So you are moving away because Ariona is going to enforce the law!
Boo frickin Hoo, I am sooooo sad.
This reminds me of a rat infested building I once saw that was on fire.
When the fire was at its glory, rats began to exit the building at an alarming rate running for cover in order to escape the heat.
 Some died, the rest of them ran to neighboring buildings and houses to set up house once again.
This is what will and is happening in Arizona, and the Rats are infesting a community near you!
Lock up your daughters, here they come people!

"Arizona Misguided" Says Your President from Kenya !!

Mexican protestors....We need to Shut This Down People!!

Our Southern Brothers don't like Arizona's new law......Too Bad Assholes!

Why am I not suprised at this type of behavior.
A famous Man once said:
"3rd World behavior in a 1st Class Country will result in a 2nd Class Nation"